5 ways to work frugally — GoFloaters
As a entrepreneur I struggled to find places to sit and work to use the time productively in between meetings or to get that “me” time to focus on the work to be done. I did not want to take up an office space and end up spending huge sums of money on rental costs and lock up working capital in security deposit.
So I was on the look out for cheap ways to work. Here are some of the options that I have tried and this may be of use to some who have a similar need.
- Cafe Coffee Day
This list has to definitely start with this option. I guess many of you have worked or had meetings at CCDs. This omnipresent option is the defacto place for entrepreneurs and freelancers to meet or work. If you are into CCD hopping pleases don’t forget to install the CCD app and use the rewards (which they call beans) and the offers that they keep doling out. You could save upto 50% on your coffee cost sometimes.
2. Anna Centenary Library
No membership is needed. You can just go in and get going. This is an ideal place if you need that pin drop silence to have your neurons to connect and work.
3. Starbucks
Starbucks is a slightly more customer friendly place as compared to CCD in my personal opinion. The number of choices are fewer as of now in Chennai. I also found Starbucks to be more occupied that CCDs most of the times. Hence if you are lucky you may get that spot that gets you cracking.
4. Pile on or be shameless
Being shameless is an option too! On so many occasions I have requested the host or the mentor I might have gone to meet for using their office for a few hours before I went to the next meeting. More often than not the request is accepted.
5. GoFloaters (my personal favorite for the obvious reason)
The challenges that me and my team faced in finding affordable spaces for working lead us to create GoFloaters. We wanted to solve for affordability, reliability, flexibility and availability. Why gulp down a coffee when your body and brain don’t need it? GoFloaters let you book a seat at a cafe with access to WiFi and power points to connect your favorite devices for as little as Rs 25 / hr. The best thing about this is that you are not mandated to order food.
Media too has recognized the unique and innovative offering that we have brought to the market. YourStory Tamil, LBB Chennai and DTNext have all written about us. We also enjoy the patronage of 400+ users who have used our service to book themselves affordable office space.